28 เม.ย. Pizza Master get the SEAL of APPROVE from THE DICE TOWER
Thank you Violet, Ruby and Tom Vasel from Dice Tower. (we are the big fan of yous)
I am extreamly happy and enthusiasm to watch this review
Also you can to to this link to viste The Dice Tower website

Also I am super happy to know that Pizza Master got a 7-7-7 and achieved…
!! The SEAL of APPROVAL !!
Thank you so much ❤ ❤ I am honored and grateful about this.
A Journey of Pizza Master
the begin
As a designer of this game, this is such a long jouney. from 2015, Pizza Master was a nominee in “ปั้นกระดาน” board game design competition.

Put it further
I don’t want Pizza Master to stop there. So I believed and try harder to develop this game for better and better version. Until 2017, my friends and I went to ESSEN SPIEL’17 at a demo zone. Many people visit our booth and play countinuely everyday. We completely forgot about lunch. That experience help me a lot to develop my game better. (take a look SPIEL17 Day 2 , SPIEL17 Day 3) There are many persons to thanks for supporting us especially P’Lek Lanlalen.
Published the 1st edition
From SPIEL’17 I feel more confident in Pizza Master gameplay. Also in the SPIEL’17, I was finding manufactures to compare the production price. I develop Pizza Master a bit more and I decide to co-pubish Pizza Master with my partner Lanlalen. About the production phase, it was taken almost a year in developing and preparing files. Then Pizza Master : The 1st Edition was published in Aug 2018. We decide to make the first edition only 500 boxes and it was sold out very fast. Until now, I am very happy everytime I see Pizza Master laying in shelf even in store or in someone’s house.

Pizza Master bring me
My Pizza Master opening new opportunity for me and other Thai board game designers. It bring me to Taiwan to know Taiwan Boardgame Designer (TBD) and SWAN Pantasia. That bring Thai designer to join Taiwan board game fair and we know Singapore designers. Since that, Thailand, Taiwan and Singapore we still have a very strong relationship.

Thailand Board Game Awards 2019
So happy to be there. Pizza Master get the Winner of Thailand Board Game Awards 2019. Thank everyone for your vote. Almost cry from my happiness.
The Revised Edition
Many things happened in Thailand and things were more messy by Covid-19. Pizza Master was sold out for a while but I cannot make a reprint version (event I want it so bad). Since 2020, Tower Tactic (a publisher in Thailand) offer me to be a publisher for Pizza Master (I am so happy). Also, Tower Tactic point out to the weakness of Pizza Master that I should fix them. Most of them are about teaching a game and make the game easier to understand from the perspective of many game masters.
That is the reason why Pizza Master : the revised edition is very clean and easy to understand
Tower Tactic, I would like to say “thank you very much”. You are polishing my Pizza Master and I love this version more and more. <3

Till today, Dice Tower review my game, the game from no name designer and Thailand. This is over my expectation so far.
Hope you all like this journey of Pizza Master and me. As a designer, there is not only I develop board games, also the board games develop me as well. keep design, keep playtesting, keep learning. Pizza Master prove that it can bring me to my favorite reviewer Tom Vasel. 😀
More about Pizza Master
เบื่องหลังการออกแบบ Pizza Master
Production check of Pizza Master : the 1st edition
ps. let’s see the rating in other games by Tom Vasel

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